Sadly, I did not meet my goal of finishing this blog. It was such an awesome idea. Life, however, as it frequently does, supplanted my plans. A lot was going on that year. My sister's wedding was memorable, and I will never regret having given it my full attention along with everything else I chose to do instead of maintaining this blog. However, it just doesn't feel right to leave the blog open-ended. So I write this final post. 2012 may not be recorded as the year I finished a blog, BUT it will go down in my history book as the year I acquired my motorcycle license. Have I ridden the bike I purchased as much as I planned? Admittedly, no. At least though I know the thrill of the throttle and the pleasure of leaning into the turn. I will forever admire those who ride as a way of life instead of a hobby. A thumbs-up to you!